Why Evidence?

Have you ever felt uncomfortable about making a decision where you didn't have all the facts or even some of the facts? Maybe that's OK if you are shopping for breakfast cereal, but what about if you are a government agency developing a policy to influence energy efficiency behavior change or on green space to improve human well-being? Knowing when and why we should be using more rigorous forms of evidence to inform decision making is where we begin our conversation with you.

The Science of Evidence
based decision making
with Rob Richards

What we value

Evidentiary values truth and knowledge, equitable access to truth and knowledge by all sections of the community and the right of enquiry. We value the role of science in society so that we understand before we judge and we value the importance of the environment on human well-being and the importance of humans on environmental well-being. As a team and a workplace we recognise and value the individual, team effort, mutual respect and empathy.

Our Vision

To improve human and environmental well-being outcomes through the use of independent, trustworthy and objective evidence informing decision making and value judgements.

Our Goals

Evidentiary has several goals to enable us to achieve our vision:

  • Increase the awareness and uptake of evidence based practice

  • To enable the community to interact with science in a positive and meaningful way

  • Use the best available evidence judiciously and responsibly to inform decisions and judgements

  • To inform and empower those individuals and groups that do not have the privilege of adequate access to education or resources

What we Do

We have crafted four core areas of our business to best meet our client's needs and fulfill the mission and values of Evidentiary. These four areas represent a mix of evidence services, training, education and research. While our team undertakes a variety of client projects and training, we also very much believe in undertaking "applied evidence synthesis" where we undertake research and apply the lessons learnt to encourage behaviour change and improve well-being and environmental outcomes. Our flagship example of this is through our "Its Naturally You" program where we have taken over 5 years evidence based research on the influence of natural environments on human wellbeing and developed a number of field based programs. Our programs reflect the understanding we have of how to deliver well-being outcomes for different needs whether they be for stress relief, to build self confidence, to explore new ambitions or to connect with like minded people.

More about our happy clients

Our Team

Rob Richards

Director and researcher
B.Nat Res (Hons)
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Karen Richards

Mental Health advisor and researcher
B. Bus, Grad Dip. Human Services (Counselling)
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Jane Morris

Social media manager & Environmental Ethicist
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Emma Swann

Senior Researcher & Nature Guide
LLB (Hons), BA (Politics), M. Env. Mgmt
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I have been to many training events and some are definitely ho hum and cover material I already know – and unfortunately, those events seem to be hard to pick ahead of time! Rob Richards, on the other hand, has a wonderfully flexible approach that ensures the rich and useful material is pitched to the needs and interests of the participants. He opens up multiple lines of interest with a terrifically engaging and friendly manner and clearly and eruditely opens pathways to engagement and group participation and learning with the critical issues of evidence, structured searching and decision making. He has a rich source of materials and practical experiences to draw upon from wide range of work domains and it is all well integrated with the latest academic and international approaches. We need this sort of skill development to take our professional practice around environmental evidence to higher level in this country – thoroughly recommended!

Bureau of Meteorology

Evidence based decision making workshop

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